Maradona´s Church

⚽ Maradona´s Church ⚽ So today I'm going to give you my opinion about Maradona´s Church, and I'm going to explain to you what it is about, and why I do not agree with Maradona´s Church. Well first to the beginning we need to know who was Maradona, Maradona was a soccer player, he was from Argentina, he was born on October 30, 1960, and he died on November 25, 2020. He has a person how managed to get many fans, and went he died his fans make it like a religion or like a church of Maradona. I believe that religion is absurd, because Maradona has just a person like us, just because he was like the king of soccer that doesn´t mean that he can be like a god, it is just that he was good at playing soccer. In conclusion Maradona, it was just a good soccer player, and that religion of Maranona´s Chur...